refresh and REnew

My 10 Day Summer Reset will help you support your wellbeing and thrive as we enjoy the warmer months. .  

This program includes 10 days of whole food recipes with daily guided support . Here's what Audrey had to say about the last February Reset:

"Thanks Rachel. It’s been amazing and eye opening. I’ve saved a fortune on lunches and coffees etc. There were lots of positives for me, no bloating, no cravings for sweet things and I didn’t have any energy dips throughout the day provided I remembered to have a snack by 3pm. The biggest thing has been better sleep. I was having so much trouble sleeping but now I’m actually sleepy for bed and fall asleep pretty much straight away. My belly fat has started to disappear as well. I found the app to be a great tool for the convenience of putting stuff on the shopping list so I’m already making meal plans for next week."

I’ll help you reset your metabolism by enjoying beautiful, seasonal food that is plant based and nutritionally dense.  By handing over the reins to me I’ll take away decision fatigue and set you up with new lifestyle habits.  At the end of the 10 days you’ll be armed with practices so that your body and immune system is primed for the year. No fads or juice cleanses here – the recipes are easy and nourishing.

By eating more nourishing food you’ll nurture your body and increase your energy levels and reset your liver, immune, digestive and nervous systems.

The program includes:

  • 10 day eating plan that lists exactly what to eat for each meal including snacks and drinks

  • recipes that include a shopping list. The foods that I’m using are full of antioxidants, fibre and prebiotics to reset your metabolism

  • all the recipes are plant rich, gluten free and refined sugar free

  • lifestyle strategies and recommendations to support your health


Commit to yourself!  Commit to preparing the food and implementing the lifestyle practices.  We will remove alcohol and processed food for the full 10 days and cut back coffee to one piccolo per day. The program costs $49. Click below to join me!