Microba Insight Microbiome Test

Microba Insight Microbiome Test

Did you know it’s now possible to have a gut microbiome test which tells you about the microorganisms that are in your gut, how they affect your gut health and how you can achieve a better balance between desirable and less desirable microorganisms?

You can:
🐛 Learn which microorganisms are in your gut and what they might be doing - their potential to digest carbohydrates, protein, and fat, as well as their potential to produce essential vitamins and nutrients.

💊 Learn if the probiotics you have been taking are actually present in your sample: Sometimes probiotic supplements don't colonise in the gut and therefore don't provide much benefit. Find out if your probiotics are doing so.

🍓 Learn which foods to add to your diet, to promote a healthy gut:

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Healthy Eating for Men

Healthy Eating for Men

It’s Men’s Health week this week so I thought I’d share my top tips for keeping the men in your life healthy. Men and women aren’t that different when it comes to daily nutrition. Yes, men tend to have more muscle mass which increases their requirements compared to a female. But nutritionally speaking, men still need a wide variety of vitamins and minerals to tick along each day.

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Your gut microbiome

Your gut microbiome

How many different plant foods do you eat in a week? The American Gut project recently found that found that people regularly eating 30+ different types of plant foods per week had a more diverse microbiome than those eating 10 or fewer different plant foods a week. Recent research has shown the richer and more diverse the community of gut microbes are, the lower your risk of disease. Can you add a couple of different plants this week?

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Food, endurance exercise and gut health

Food, endurance exercise and gut health

Do certain foods cause you gastrointestinal issues when exercising? Would changing what you eat reduce the symptoms? What else should you do? I recently took a short course through Monash University aimed at helping health professionals work with their clients to help manage gastrointestinal issues associated with exercise. The course helped deepen my understanding of gut health and how food and exercise can affect the gastrointestinal tract.

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Should you consider a low FODMAP diet?

Should you consider a low FODMAP diet?

For some people, a diet high in FODMAPs can cause a range of abdominal symptoms such as bloating, excess wind, distension, abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhoea (or a combination of both). Following a low FODMAP diet can help manage these abdominal symptoms - 75% of people with IBS experience relief from their symptoms with a low FODMAP diet.

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Gut Health

Gut Health

The more we learn about the role of gut, the more it seems that the gut  can be thought of as the centre of overall good health. Our gastrointestinal tract runs right through the core of the body and has does a lot more than just digest our food. Our gut is home to lots of bacteria – known as gut flora. A healthy digestive system has a balance of good and bad bacteria. When your gut is not working as it should your energy levels are affected, your mood is affected and your ability to concentrate is affected.  You can help maintain your digestive system by ensuring you consume prebiotics, probiotics and sufficient dietary fibre.

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Overnight Steel Cut Oats and Quinoa Porridge

Overnight Steel Cut Oats and Quinoa Porridge

I love steel cut oats but I haven't got 20 minutes to spend stirring them on a school/work/uni morning.  Instead I quickly prep them while I am cleaning up after dinner and they are all ready to be warmed through first thing in the morning.  The added quinoa bumps up the protein levels - this recipe will fill you up all morning.  

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